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March 28, 2005

By Laurel | March 28, 2005

We came home from the hospital Saturday night so Sammy could have Easter at home. We stayed in an extra day after finishing round three of chemo because he still wasn’t keeping anything down and we didn’t want him to get dehydrated. We had a roommate for the first time which made things a bit cramped in the room but it was fine in the end. Sam and Andy had a great time hunting for eggs yesterday and following the treasure hunt the Easter Bunny made them to find their Easter Baskets. Sammy still couldn’t eat anything and threw up several times yesterday but he enjoyed Easter all the same. The nausea must be becoming old hat to him now because if he’s watching a movie he remembers to tell me to pause it before he throws up and then he goes back to watching it (or whatever else he was doing at the time) as if it’s no big deal. Andy fell down last night and whacked his head on the dresser. His eared turned all purpley blue and swollen and Neil and his brother took him to the emergency room last night where the nurse told them he’d be fine but bruised. I keep thinking we should have a free pass in life from stuff like that happening while we’re dealing with cancer but of course that’s not how it works. Andy is doing fine today and his ear doesn’t even seem to hurt him.
We went back in to the clinic today for some hydration and to check his blood counts. Usually by the Tuesday following the end of chemo, he’s at zero. For some reason today his white count is still very high. The doctor said his counts will fall but it’s taking a bit longer this time -fine with me. We’re always nervous when his counts get low so it’s good to be able to let him play with friends and see people in general.
There were two more scans that came back last week. His bone scan and his CT scan. The bone scan showed the same spots that were initially involved, two spots on the legs and one on the skull. We just learned of the spot on the skull but apparently it’s been there since diagnosis. The bone scan is different from the bone marrow aspiration. I wrote last week that his marrow is clean which is good but the doctors say that it’s normal for the bones themselves to take a while to clear. The CT scan showed that the tumor is shrinking which is also a good sign. The doctors told us not to expect anything since it’s so early in the treatment so the fact that the CT scan showed shrinkage (I always think of George Costanza, “Elaine, do you know about shrinkage?) is a good thing and shows Sam is responding well. We’re still waiting to hear if the stem cells were clean and are expecting we’ll hear something today

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