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June 14, 2005

By Neil | June 14, 2005

We are getting discharged today for a week of fun & sun before starting round 6 of chemo on Monday the 20th. Sam was checked by a renal specialist who indicated that his kidney function is fine. He does have a bit of high blood pressure which comes & goes but this is treatable by medication and is pretty common with an adrenalectomy. What’s really wierd is that his last day of chemo was on 5/6 and his hair just started falling out again. He’s almost bald now and is eyelashes are pretty much gone. This is bad news for me since it means my hair must go AGAIN but we’ll have fun doing it and I’ve heard rumors that bald men are considered extremely sexy. No word on the pathology report following the surgery but I will post details as soon as I hear anything.
Thanks for continuing to read this – Neil

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