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June 29, 2005

By Neil | June 29, 2005

We have a date for stem cell transplant at the City of Hope in Duarte (near Pasadena and the Santa Anita Race Track where Seabiscuit was filmed). We’ll be admitted 7/21. The way it works is that chemo is the first 4 days and on 7/28 they do the stem cell transplant which is really just a 15-minute infusion of Sam’s previously stored stem cells. It typically takes about 10 to 14 days for the stem cells to begin to graft and rebuild Sam’s immune system so that puts us as August 7th to the 11th as the days when Sam begins to get back to normal. The next few days are being spent doing the myriad of pre-transplant tests – MIBG and CT scans, kidney function tests, pulmonary tests (done), EKG and Echo (done). Other than that, it’s just a time to have fun, keep Sam very active, and keep putting the weight back on. Thanks so much for all of the emails – I try to reply back to all.
With best wishes, Neil


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