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January 4, 2007

By Margot | January 4, 2007

Happy New Year! We had a fun New Year’s Eve at Darcy and Mike’s house. There were plenty of kids and they all had a ball. Darcy and Mike’s house is kid’s paradise. The best part of my night was right before we all watched the ball drop in New York (9pm our time)- the kids were dancing. Sammy was out there doing his cool-guy moves right with the rhythm of the music and Andy was flailing around wildly and jumping up and down. New Year’s Day I pretended we were Italian and made lentils and sausages for good luck (it’s a lot easier than the Hoppin John that my dad makes on New Years’s day- not quite as good though). I figured we could use some luck.
Sammy has been to three days of school this week. Wohoo! He is so cute. He was doing his math homework last night and I was trying to explain greater than and lesser than and he took the pencil from me and drew teeth on the symbol and said, “Here Mom, this is how you remember it, the crocodile wants to eat six fish, not three fish.” Obviously Mrs. Gage has a much better handle on teaching six year-olds than I do. We did ascorbic acid on Tuesday after school, yesterday we had off from the hospital, and today we go in for a blood check and tomorrow is another ascorbic acid infusion. We are up to 25 grams now.
I went to school during recess today to bring a library book that we’d lost so Sammy could check out another one today. I had to buy a new one at Barnes and Noble. As my Dad used to say, I’d lose my head if it weren’t screwed on. I was trying to use the key finder Colleen and Deb gave me for Christmas this morning to find my keys and nothing was beeping in the house. It turns out they were in the door to the car. Luckily, the car was still there (it’s a good thing Neil is usually too busy to read this). Anyway, I’ve rambled off topic. At school, I watched Sammy from afar playing at recess and got such a lump in my throat. He’s such a great kid and we ask so much of him. He took ten pills this morning before school. Ten. And that’s only part of what he’ll take today. Neil took the pills with him but I couldn’t believe Sam swallowed them all down. I had to give him a shot in his leg last night which he just hates and he has to go to the hospital again today after school and tomorrow. Yet there he was running around with the other kids and doing his darndest to keep up. He ran up to me with a big smile on his face.
My amazingly energetic husband has been working nonstop reasearching, talking to doctors, trying to find therapies that have worked in other cancers that might work in neuroblastoma. He and John London have been tireless in their efforts. I breezily report here how much Neil is doing on this front but I don’t think I really convey how much of an impact he is having and how much progress parents are making in terms of driving therapies.
I’ve been catching up on work this week, trying to get back into the routine of school and hospital and work and parks and bracing for scans next week.
Charlie is doing great. He likes to hang out and hold onto his feet and he’s a very enthusiastic eater. I just dropped Andy off at preschool and he was excited to go today. We’re gearing up for his birthday party at the end of this month. Lately he’s been asking everyone when they were a baby.
Stephanie is coming today for a week. We are very excited to see her and to have an extra set of hands and maybe be able to give poor overworked Elizabeth some much needed time off.
I should get the scan schedule today at the hospital. Will post dates and times.

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