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Nice Thanksgiving Weekend

By Margot | November 30, 2009

Since everything starts up tomorrow – school, work, hospital, infusions, blood counts, VMA/HVA from last week – I thought I ought to post that we had a great Thanksgiving weekend overall.   I stayed off of my computer for three straight days and it was very relaxing.  The night before Thanksgiving Andy had the stomach flu something awful and was up the entire night sick sick sick.  I was fearing the worst since the Monacos were coming here.  But he popped up Thanksgiving Day as if it were all a dream.   Sam woke up feeling well and very happy to be off from the hyperbaric oxygen chamber for a day.  He went over and played with the Bonebrake boys.  His legs seem to be fine now, he even played a little catch/football on the beach with them.  Then the boys went over to the Monacos for while before everyone came here for dinner which went off very smoothly.   We were all very thankful to be together and watching Sam (and Andy for that matter) perk up was fantastic.  Sam is feeling well generally but is still having very bad headaches and sensitivity to light off and on so we have to give him hydrocodone and then he is fine.   If it gets very bad we give him morphine but coming off of morphine makes him very cranky.  The rest of the weekend we hung out with Uncle Matt and Grandma Joan and played a lot of Apples to Apples.  On Saturday we made gingerbread houses with the Monaco boys and that was a big giant mess but they all loved it. 

Today we took the boys to the Chargers game.  We have been promising since Andy’s birthday last year and we were finally able to go to the Chiefs game today.  They had a ball.  Sam had a headache when the game started and we thought we might have to take him home but a tylenol helped so much that he was dancing to the songs and doing the wave in no time.  The score ended up being Chargers 45, Chiefs 14 so though there wasn’t a lot of drama, there was a lot of scoring on the Chargers part and that made the Hutchison boys very happy. I’ll post some pictures later this week.  Afterwards we stopped at Belmont park and Neil took Sam and Andy on the roller coasters while I stayed in the car with sleeping Charlie.     The roller coasters have been a bribe for Sam to go to hyperbaric oxygen therapy since he is not a fan.  He calls it “the chamber of doom.”  He got that from one of the other patients.    They are so nice to him.  One patient brought him some word finds and movies to pick from and they all let him pick the movie.  He goes into this submarine looking thing and they ramp up the pressure and then pump 100% oxygen in there.  Sam had one day with a lot of ear pain from the pressure but they slowed down “the dive” and it seemed to clear up.  Anyway, we’ve been telling him since his pee is totally clear now, he can go on some roller coasters.   He loves the rides at Belmont park.  All of the boys said it was a great day.  Uncle Matt came over for dinner and now Sam and Andy are in bed and Charlie is wide awake because he slept this afternoon.    If he has a nap these days I’m history at night because he stays up forever.  

I’m overly tired and this post is probably rambling and full of typos. Sorry about that. Unfortunatley, we capped off our good day with Sam in a lot of pain from a headache so we had to give him some more hydrocodone before he went to bed.  Ugh.  Wish we could get to the bottom of these dumb headaches.

I’ll post more tomorrow when I have numbers and other exciting medical facts.


Topics: Progress Reports | 3 Comments »

3 Responses to “Nice Thanksgiving Weekend”

  1. tommy hutch Says:
    November 30th, 2009 at 4:24 pm

    aaahh..temple of hope..temple of clear pea..temple of health..anything but doom..

    doom should be associated with the phrase “aint coming” as in the “doom aint coming”

    there is another saying but it is inappropriate for this public forum but it ends “____ the doom” as in the doom aint coming..

    attitude is everything…

    THinking good healthy thoughts for Sam and the Hutchison family today.

  2. Lisa Bonebrake Says:
    November 30th, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    M, Just want to add that Sam not only played a bit of football on the beach T-day morning, but in true Hutchison style even made a touchdown or two. Even when not feeling his best, Sam’s got the moves and the the enthusiasm. Gotta love that kid, and his whole family. Sooo happy Andy turned ’round so quickly. Talk soon, Lisa

  3. Paul Says:
    November 30th, 2009 at 11:44 pm

    so glad to hear that your thanks giving sounded like a a typical american , food, and football! ( that’s from my aussie perspective ofcourse!). your friends …neils family…such a great support. from this side where we are fully into the hot start of summer, the kids and paul are missing you all so much. love kaz